Do you really have to be born with a special gift for leadership or can anyone be a leader?
I remember as a 16 year old listening to my step dad's critical and condemning voice asking why didnt I get a hobby? To this day that word raises up an immediate feeling of "Yuk". Didn't he realize that reading and girlfriends were hobbies. That was back in the 50's when girls were supposed to stick with being a homemaker. If you weren't good at that, which I wasn't, then you would be doomed for a life of failure. But, if you were real sharp in academics then you might be able to go to college to be a nurse or a teacher. My aptitude tests always scored high in social worker, but again that required college grades. So check that off my list. I was the only right brained (intuitive), left handed, ADD, person in my family. Of course I didn't know that at the time because very few studies had been done on left brain/right brain giftings . I just knew, and they did too, that I was different. Academic vs intuitive hadn't yet been brought to the forefront in our culture. Also, no one knew, or if they did I didn't hear about it, that you were put here on earth for a specific purpose. Sunday school didn't teach that God wires everyone's brain and gives each one special gifts and talents for the specific destiny He has planned for them. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day. Psalm 139:13-16 Msg Bible. I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. Jeremiah 29:11, Msg Bible. As I was making my way through life my hobby of reading and friends stayed a constant. This remains true to this day, and even stronger that ever. So much stronger that people have become my passion. My passion to help each person become all they were meant to be is a fire that burns stronger in me each day. Waking up each morning with the expectation of finding out what is in store for the day has become an absolute adventure. The exciting thing is that people are drawn to a person who has passion. I have never really thought of myself as a leader but when you have something you are passionate about people of like mindedness want to gather around. So leadership just seems to happen. It isn't as much about leading but about have a passion that others want to be a part of. No matter what your passion is about, people love being around someone who is passionate about what they believe in. I for one love listening to people talk about their passions. I never know when the spark they are carrying might ignite something in me that has laid dormant just waiting for the right time and the right person to come along. So my thought for the day is that if you are passionate about something then look around because there are probably people who want to share that with you. People who can catch your vision and help you run with it. None of us are supposed to go it alone. We were all made to support and help one another. I love the concept of a "team", but thats a subject for a future post. I believe books and studies on leadership are wonderful, important and needed. I also believe that sometimes it's overrated. Sometimes the position is what is strived for rather than the passion that fuels the leader. Let's sum it up in this simple way. If you have a passion, you are a leader. So go out and fire up your passion and watch what happens. Then let me know because I want to hear all about it. Be blessed today and remember that you are made for something unique and special that only you can do. In His Love, Gayle
Gayle BelangerProfessional Abider, author, counselor, friend & carrier of hope to hurting hearts. CategoriesArchives |